Protect your Brand.

Meet Nametrust. The secure corporate domain registrar.

Use Nametrust to manage your domain portfolio, control changes, stop brand abuse, preempt cybersquatting and scale with peace of mind.

From the blog

Insights on Brand Protection, Domain Management, and more.

Domain Theft: What to Do if Your Domain is Stolen?

Domain Theft: What to Do if Your Domain is Stolen?

Your domain name isn’t just your web address; it’s your brand’s online identity, storefront, and an invaluable asset. So, domain hijacking or getting your domain stolen can damage your reputation and strain you financially, making cybersecurity a paramount concern. Shockingly, cybercrime incidents are surging, with a staggering 91% of organizations reporting one or more breaches, and domain theft is a prominent culprit. This guide is your shield against such cyberattacks. We not only reveal pro

Types of Domain Hijacking Attacks

Types of Domain Hijacking Attacks

Is your website a critical component of your marketing, sales, and digital customer experience? If so, domain hijacking can put your business at severe risk. This dangerous activity disrupts your business-as-usual (BAU) operations, damages brand reputation, and wipes out customer trust.  A striking example is, which was hijacked after failure to renew and had to pay the ex employee an amount to get the domain back. Another example is, which was hijacked and associated with m

What is Domain Hijacking?

What is Domain Hijacking?

Domain hijacking is the act of modifying the domain registration or Domain Name System (DNS) information without consent. After that, the hacker may restrict the domain owner’s access to it or display unauthorized content.

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